
Taking A Pause On Life (for now)

March 29, 2020

How are you all doing? How are the kids doing? 
The other day out of nowhere my 9-year-old started crying. He couldn't explain why he was just sad. Probably sad because he hasn't seen any friends from school, or able to play baseball on his new team that he was so excited for. The bigger picture is trying to turn the negatives into positives.
What other time have you been able to be home and have nowhere to go, no plans, no rushing, actually time to complete a project or two.  This is that time where we are forced to take a pause, and take a mental break and take care of our family. It's hard, but nice too.
So thankful for the people on our frontline risking their lives while saving others. Not only during this time dealing with CORONA-19 but all the time. 

Here are some ideas to do to help clear your mind (as well as your family):
-Go on a family walk, explore, take a new route
-Exercise together - lots of free videos on YouTube or create something to do as a family
-Play a family board game
-Cook together
-Get dressed up for a special night in
-Set up a picnic outside, eat, read, play
-Create a realistic list of things you want to do but didn't have time before

This is a stressful time but it's important to try to make the best of the situation. Enjoy this time in life when we were forced to press the pause button.
Follow along on Facebook to see other ideas, and please feel free to share yours.
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