
Going Back To School 2020-2021

From Your Publisher

August 23, 2020

While many parents are faced with that difficult decision, what will back to school look for your child? Something I did notice on social media lately, there has been some strong opinions on what kids should be doing.
No, not their kids, other kids. How can that be? We really don't know anyone's situation, maybe both parents can't work from home anymore and they need their kids to go to school, maybe their kids don't learn well in front of a computer for 8 hours they need their teachers. Maybe that's where they can have 2 meals because they are not eating like that at home, or maybe a child is really sad and needs to see some friends, kids are suffering emotionally right now. Whatever the answer is I feel it's that parents choice to make that decision. 

One thing we all should keep in mind is empathy, you just never know why.
Yes mine are going back, yes I'm a nervous wreck, yes I will be sending them back with multiple face masks, multiple hand sanitizers and we will keep an open line of communication about the topic. If they feel uncomfortable at any point we will switch to virtual, but we will give this a try. Honestly, that is really all we can do at this moment. We are in this together... whatever we can do to lift each other up let's do that because you never know someone's situation is. 

Be Safe! 

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