
See Why ZooBalloos Were a HUGE Hit in My House!

Toy Review & Giveaway

By Joyce with Downtown Houston Macaroni Kid February 27, 2019

My kids love squishy toys, surprises, balloons and storing their toys inside of containers.  So it's no wonder they both love the ZooBalloos

These toys have many elements to them. ZooBalloos are squishy, balloon-animal figures that you unwrap from a larger balloon container.  Bop the balloon and it inflates right before your eyes. This is a great toy for just about any occasion, holidays, to celebrate a good grades, birthdays - birthday favors and so much more.  Downtown Houston Macaroni Kid Junior Reporter was excited to review this new toy for our website. Please watch below or head over to our YouTube Channel and give her a thumbs up.   
We are excited to gift one to you... ENTER HERE
Winner will be announced on Tuesday March 12th on our Facebook page. 

My daughter recently celebrated her 10th birthday so we incorporated ZooBalloos into the party theme and they were a huge hit. You just never seem to be too old to play with balloons so it worked out perfectly. First we started off with a little musical chairs and that's how the girls got their toy. Then the girls at the party enjoyed "unboxing" the ZooBalloos and the fun didn't end there. Since there are 28 different ZooBalloos to collect in Series 1 (18 Common, 8 Metallic Rare, and 2 Glitter Ultra Rare) there was a wide variety among the girls and they had fun trading 
with each other. But wait there's more, at the party they played a ping pong ball activity, balloon dance party and finished the fun with a water balloon fight and of course had some cake.

With this one toy a lot is included, each balloon-shaped capsule contains a ZooBalloos figure, did I mention how cute they are, stickers to decorate the capsule, and a surprise self-inflating balloon. 

It’s so cool because you set the bopaballoos on a hard surface, bop it (with your fist) shake it up, then set it on the table and watch it inflate! The reaction it got from the children at my daughters birthday party was priceless… They all were surprised and had so much laughterWhen it pops out of the wrapper confetti sprinkles out.  Did you know this is also a little science experience because while it looks like magic it’s really a chemical reaction with baking soda.

If your kids are like mine they love to collect things, well they are in luck because there are 28 different ZooBalloos to collect in Series 1; 18 Common, 8 Metallic Rare, and 2 Glitter Ultra Rare!

These squishy balloon animals are very durable, squishy and of course... adorable. This is recommended for ages 4 and up. Available in stores at Target & Walmart 

These awesome toys are not just for girls, my son really enjoyed unboxing his ZooBalloos, inside he got an adorable green frog.

For more fun follow ZooBalloos on social media. @ZooBalloos You can also see some other publishers and their fun using the hashtag #ZooBalloos

See more here on Basic Fun's website.

This is a sponsored article however the views expressed are 100% our own... The #MacKid's LOVE ZooBalloos