
Enjoy The Outdoors

Claritin® Giveaway Enclosed

July 30, 2021

This is a sponsored article - the views expressed are my own. 

My family has been in Texas for a little over 3 years and something we really had to get used to quickly was the different things around us that affected our allergies. Between the combination of weather, where it can change all within a week, or even a day for that matter, and the many different types of trees and grass, it was all quite the adjustment.

The tree pollen allergy season in our area usually starts as early as mid-January and runs through April. Then the grass pollen starts to pick up in April and May and starts to appear again in September. That’s a long time to be suffering. Claritin® is a gamechanger in our house.

My kids love to keep active outside, so if it’s not raining, you will usually find us outside after school.

Some things we enjoy outside are:

Exploring, playing baseball, basketball, & volleyball, riding bikes, fishing, playing with friends, and running around.

Anything to keep them off electronics while getting fresh air is a win for me! When we are outside it's never the same thing, we always find something new to do, and best of all we are making memories together. We especially like to explore nature parks and find new trails.

What do you like to do outside? 

Be sure to follow along in the activities and get inspiration from @OutsideologistProject on Instagram and Facebook and share your adventures using #GetOutside.

In addition to the help from Claritin® when we need it, I always encourage my kids to wash their hands multiple times a day because you never know what you touch, well besides germs, of course, there could also be pollen, dust, etc. on the hands that can affect our allergies.

Especially during the peak season, I have them change their clothes when they come in from playing outside. We don't want to bring the pollen into the house, so anything we can do to try to avoid this we try. Also having air cleaners in each room helps to keep our air inside the home clean, as well as changing out the air-conditioner filter more frequently.

To help arm parents with tools and resources to encourage more time outside, Claritin® has launched The Outsideologist Project, which aims to get 1.2 million kids outside for an extra hour per week. The initiative provides families with expert-guided activities to bust boredom and foster a love of being outside.

Join Claritin® on their mission to get kids to spend one more hour outside per week for better everyday health.

Studies show that spending time outside helps build confidence in kids, promotes happiness and creativity, and even teaches responsibility. What has helped us to still continue to enjoy the outdoors, especially during allergy season, is Claritin®.

Enter to win an Outsideologist Project Kit from the makers of Claritin®. Each kit includes items to inspire your child’s outdoor exploration as well as samples of Children’s and Adult’s Claritin® so Outsideologists of all ages can get the powerful, non-drowsy allergy relief they need to embrace the wonders of the outdoors. Use as directed. Click HERE to enter! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Sweepstakes is open to legal residents of the United States who are at least 18 years of age at time of entry. Sweepstakes commences at 12:00AM ET on 7/16/21 and ends at 11:59PM ET on 8/16/21. Subject to Official Rules at For prize descriptions see Official Rules.